LR, Knutsen, HD KSOE and HHI made first ‘Cradle to Grave’ LCA of LNG carrier

Back in june 2023 it was announced that Lloyd’s Register (LR), Knutsen, HD Korea Shipbuilding and Offshore Engineering (HD KSOE) and HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) will do a study as part of a Joint Development Project (JDP) to measure carbon emissions through the entire life cycle of a newbuild LNG Carrier. The first ever maritime industry study to measure carbon emissions for the entire life cycle of a vessel from raw material extraction to recycling of the vessel.

The study takes into account all emissions (scope 1, 2 and 3) associated with the vessel throughout its life cycle. By incorporating all three scopes a complete emissions profile over a vessel’s life cycle can be obtained. 

Read more about here: Industry-first cradle-to-grave analysis | LR