KBAL® – Knutsen ballast water treatment technology

The idea of Knutsen ballast water treatment technology, KBAL®, started in 2005 and is based on KVOC, a technology that Knutsen Technology has developed, patented and installed on several shuttle tankers. Knutsen Ballast Water AS was founded in 2009 with the aim to develop a ballast water treatment system suitable for marine vessel operations.


The pressure vacuum reactor working in combination with a vertical ballast water drop line, ensures a low temperature boiling condition that eliminates most of the organisms. Any remaining bacteria are effectively eliminated by the UV Chamber mounted downstream from the pressure vacuum reactor.


Due to the highly effective and compact pressure vacuum reactor, the system does not need any filters nor chemicals, hence a minimum footprint is ensured.

The KBAL control software allows operator to switch effortlessly between Worldwide mode and IMOeco mode. For Port State Authorities the system will easily generate a report documenting that ballast water operations are compliant and have been performed in accordance with the regulations.

KBAL single unit range consist of 400 m3/h, 1200 m3/h 2000 m3/h and 3000 m3/h


In 2012 KBAL received the IMO Type Approval certificate from DNV GL. Since then our system has been further tested for compliance with the USCG and IMO revised G8 requirements with all tests surpassing the D-2 standards with great margin.

In June 2020 KBAL received IMO revised G8 certificate from Lloyds Register and the application for USCG Type approval was sent to USCG in July 2020.

Main keypoint of KBAL®

Easy installation

The KBAL system consists of a limited number of parts. The main component is the compact pressure vacuum reactor. KBAL does not contain any complex system of filters hence the footprint is minimal. The installation is easily performed.

Easy operation

KBAL is to be operated during uptake and discharge of ballast water. The system is simple and runs fully automatically.

Easy maintenance

The KBAL system does not use any filters. This implies less maintenance, less spare parts on board and no need for back flushing. No chemicals are used; this implies no implication on the coating and no need for keeping a stock of neutralizers on board.

DNV awards KNCCs “Approval in Principle” for PCO2® tank system for Liquified CO2 transport at ambient temperatures

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